Skill: Listening
Teachers: Nathalia Castillo, Kathia Pérez, Gema Rivera, Denisse Carranza, Maria Nochez, Amada Alfaro.
Topic: What are your plans for the future?

Development of the class:  
First, teacher Gema started the class by presenting the group of teachers, then she began with the warm up by saying the class rules and doing a quick activity.

Second, teacher Nathy introduced the topic by asking to the students: What are your plans for the future? she gave and example so, students answered.

Third, teaher Kathia prepared an audio in which students had to listen to a conversation an write what they understood about it.
Fourth, teacher Maria as well played an audio, but this time students had a worksheet in which they had to work in pairs.
Fifth, teacher Denisse asked for the students to get in pairs and work in some questions she provided to them, then they played a game in the board in which students had two charts with emojis, and messages just as a chat in a cellphone, and students had to chose the correct sentences that were in the conversation.
Finally teacher Gema finished the class by asking students how was everything, and what did they learn, as well she finished by encouraging them to come to class again and then she told them to go to a 15 minute break.
