Teacher's name: Michelle Marroquin, Michell Hernández, Brendaly Fernández, Jacqueline Contreras, Sandra Rodezno, Ricardo Mezquita.
Topic:  How life is going to be in the future?
The class started with teacher Michell, she began by explainig the rules for the class and she explained what was a fortune teller. Later with teacher Sandra, they played a game with students called the fortune teller, they gave students a piece of paper that contained a question that was supposed to be answered by the fortune teller.

Next teacher Jackie requested to students to look under their desks to find a piece of paper with a text that they had to read it and put in order in the board.

Also, to remain with the lectures, Brendaly brought some reading material for students about things that can happen in the future (things related with technology).
Then, teacher Ricardo played a game, he created 2 teams, based on the reading students had to go to the board and select the anwers to his questions.
Later, teacher Michelle asked students to create a new and innovative gadget that could be useful in the future and present it in front of the other students, when they finished they did a short presentation of it.
Finally, teacher Michell asked students the words that they learnt in the class, they answered and teacher Brendaly dismissed the class.
