Topic: Professions and trades
Teachers: José Ardón, Sara Domínguez, Tirsa Guevara, Abigail Guevara, Carolina Zúniga, Sofía Vides.

On this lesson students learnt vocabulary related to profesions and trades.

First, teacher Carolina introduced the topic "Professions and trades" and she asked students if they knew the differences between them. after that, the teacher pasted some images with 4 professions and trades: Astronomer, congressman/deputy, anaesthesiologist, aeronautical maintenance technician, bricklayer, truck driver, janitor, and baker; and she asked them to mark the ones they believed were professions and the ones that were trades.

Second, teacher Sara gave a simple and brief description to better understand the 4 professions and 4 trades, and they chose from a list the name of the correct profession/trade while they were looking the teacher drawing things related to each of them.

Third, In the practice students had to stand up and go ask their classmates about their profession or trade. Each student wrote down what his/her classmate explained about their profession/trade and viceversa, teacher Tirsa was in charge of this activity.

Fourth, at the front of the class there were some costumes and toys that students used to represent the profession or trade they had to represent.  Teacher Carolina gave each student a piece of paper that included a profession or a trade, then students in pairs  had to create a short story about professions.

Finally teacher José asked students the following: From all the professions/trades we have studied today, which one do you like the most? and why? They shared their answers .
And He dismissed the class.
