Skill: ReadingTopic: Travel blogs
Teachers: Ligia Hernández, Dania Crespín, Karen Gómez, Sara Chévez, José Luis Bonifacio.
On this lesson teachers taught about "travel blogs".
Teacher Dania started the class with the warm up by doing a fun activity, in this one students had to put in order some words that were in a table, as well she gave some clues to students in order to guess quickly, students only had a minute to figure out which was the word.
After that teacher karen asked to the students to go to the
whiteboard and play Pictionary. So students had to draw a representation
of the word without saying or using letters or numbers in their drawing.
The other students had to guess the word and earn points for their team
Then teacher Ligia and Sara gave students a reading about
Rachel’s 4 weeks on South America. They read it twice, first by themselves
and then out loud with a partner. The activity consisted on students picking papers with
questions related to the reading; they answered so teachers saw that the text was comprehended.
Then, Teacher José placed 4 flags of different countries in the whiteboard and students worked in pairs to choose words or phrases
and then they had to put them into the
correct flag. The words of phrases were related to the reading “Rachel´s 4
week in South America.”
Finally to dismiss the class teacher Dania asked to students which country of the ones mentioned before
would you like to visit? And why?. They answered and it was noticed that they understood the topic completely.
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